Recent CWC Blog

5 Reasons To Schedule A Preconception Visit


Before you get that telltale “glow,” you have to conceive. Before you conceive, you have some planning to do, and one of those planning steps is to schedule a preconception appointment with Capital Women’s Care. You may wonder why, so here are 5 reasons to schedule a preconception visit even if it’s not your first child.

Capital Women’s Care Is Open And Seeing Patients


At Capital Women’s Care, our top priority is the health and well being of our patients. We are now fully operational and are back to scheduling preventative and non-urgent visits. Obstetrical patients are only able to bring their spouse for the much anticipated 20 week anatomy ultrasound.

11 Signs You Need To Call Your Gynecologist


Most young women begin to see a gynecologist in their teens and by the time they are in their 20s or 30s know the routine, know their bodies, and schedule annual visits. There are times, however, when abnormalities present themselves, and you wonder if you should see your doctor in between your normal visit.
